
Conference Proceedings will consist of Contributed Papers and Abstracts of Invited Lectures, Progress Reports and Workshops Lectures. All contributed papers will be refereed by the Scientific Committee.

All speakers are invited to submit full papers of Invited Lectures, Progress Reports and Workshops Lectures, which will be sumitted after the Conference for the special issue of EPJ D - Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma Physics on "Physics of Ionized Gases (SPIG 2016)". Submitted papers will be peer reviewed in accordance with the EPJ's peer review policy. Deadline for submission is November 30, 2016.

We invite the contributors to submit their manuscripts before the deadline directly to the EPJD Editorial Office at If you are a first-time author with EPJD, you will first be invited to register on the same web site. Submissions should be clearly identified as intended for the Topical Issue "Physics of Ionized Gases (SPIG 2016)". Instructions for authors can be found here.

See the details about the special issue here.


Book of Contributed Papers and Abstracts of lectures (PDF)

List of accepted Contributed Papers is available here.

Contributed Papers will be presented as posters at two poster sessions. Please take into account that maximum poster size should be format A1 portrait: width 59 cm and hight 84 cm.

Submission of Contributed Papers and Abstracts of Invited Lectures, Progress Reports and Workshops Lectures is closed.


June 30 2016
Invited Lectures and Progress Reports will be sumitted in the topical issue of EPJ D

June 14 2016
Paper submisson extended to 1.7.

June 1st 2016
Early registration extended to 1.7.

Apr 11 2016
Second Announcement

Nov 25 2015
First Announcement